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CHA Mobility Demonstration Program

The Mobility Demonstration Project (MDP) works with families with children under age 13 from the CHA Public Housing Waitlist who have received a voucher to move to an Opportunity Area.

Counselors work with participants to find housing in “Opportunity Areas” – neighborhoods with good schools, low crime rates, better transit and access to jobs, and less racial and economic segregation. 

It is a goal of this program to move families to areas with higher performing schools so that younger generations can receive quality education, be prepared for well-paying jobs and break the cycle of poverty.

Why Take the Next Step?

Research has shown that families that move from neighborhoods of high crime and poverty to areas of opportunity that are at least 10 miles from their original home benefit long term from access to quality education and jobs.  Living in unsafe neighborhoods can hurt children’s learning, life outcomes, and even life expectancy. Furthermore, research has shown that the longer a family stays in an area of opportunity, the more benefits that family receives over time, such as high test scores in school, greater health benefits, and higher incomes.

Benefits to Children - Improve education and job opportunities

  • Higher math and reading scores

  • Teachers who can provide extra support

  • More likely to graduate high school and go to a 4-year college

  • Jobs with higher incomes and better benefits

  • Less likely to become involved with criminal justice system

  • Positive social expectations to succeed

Benefits to Adults – Live the life you and your family deserve

  • Higher neighborhood expectations for safety – less worry about children when you can’t be around

  • Schools that care about your child’s success

  • Access to better-paying jobs, higher household earnings

Health Benefits to All – Live a longer, healthier life

  • Better access to fresh, healthy foods

  • Lower rates of diabetes and obesity

  • Less anxiety and depression

  • Overall better mental health

Contact 312-386-1009 to learn more and sign up for our next orientation.

Contact Housing Choice Partners

Have you received a Housing Choice Voucher and are interested in learning more about your housing options? Call HCP today.

(312) 386-1009

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